Did You Trade Your Daydream for Your Day Job? #employeeengagement #liveyourdream employee engagement Nov 04, 2021

I'm sitting on the porch with my legs hanging off the side. The sun is shining, but I'm in the shade of the house because it's still early morning. I'm waiting and watching and listening. I don't want to miss it. 

It's quiet.

Wait, there it is. I can hear it down the block. Yep, that's it!...

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Before They Quit, They Quit disengagement employee engagement management training quit job Aug 22, 2021

It’s a summer day in 2010, I’m sitting at a conference table in Houston at a client meeting. On a break, I check my phone for messages. There is a text for me to call the office as soon as possible. One of the people on my team has left his ID badge on his desk and...

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